Hello, It's Me

Gulshan Kumar

I'm a Software Engineer

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About Me

With over 1 years of comprehensive experience in the field of Software devloper & Technical Support, accompanied by a bachelor's degree in engineering. Proficient in front-end devloper, Java devloper, debugging and Testing, customer behaviour analysis, & web devlopment. Demonstrated success in leading impactful projects and providing effective mentorship. I am currently seeking roles where I can utilize my experience and skills.

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My Skills


React Js logo React Js
CSS logo CSS
Figma logo Figma
Node Js logo Javascript


C logo C Programming
C logo C++
Python logo Python
Java logo Java
NodeJS logo NodeJS


Postgresql logo Postgre SQL
MongoDB logo MongoDB Atlas
Postgresql logo MS SQL Server
MongoDB logo Firebase
My SQL logo My SQL


Git logo Git
GitHub logo GitHub
VS Code logo VS Code
Blender logo Blender
Wireshark logo Wireshark
Android Studio logo Android Studio
Davinci Resolve logo DaVinci Resolve

My Projects

Online Examination Software

Online Examination System is the website to take online test in not time wasting for checking paper.

Python logo HTML
Python logo CSS
Pythonlogo JS
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Desktop Application

A windows application to manage the work of the staff’s in the company by using Python Tkinter and SQL.

Python logo Python
Python logo MS SQL Server
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Racing Game Devlopment

This is a clone project for the game Crossy Road, built using BabylonJs as the 3D game engine.

Python logo JS
Python logo CSS
Python logo HTML
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A Graph based Clustering Approach Relation Origin from Crime Data.

A mobile application is also made for common people totrack criminals.This application will be usefull for police as it work on remote acces.

ReactJS logo Java
ReactJS logo node
MongoDB logo PHP
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Contact Me

Get in Touch

  • +917091640983
  • gulshankumaravit5@gmail.com
  • Gulshan Kumar, Chennai, India
  • want to hook ©2024 better lead with hard-working | Developed by Gulshan kumar 2024